
Rare diseases present unique challenges in pharmaceuticals, and we strive to advance research and therapy development for rare diseases through our diagnostic development services, six therapeutic development platforms including gene therapies, and advanced technologies. We start from different types of rare diseases and provide customized therapy development solutions for rare diseases. Our animal model development platform is another major feature of ours, and we have the ability to provide different disease models and a full range of animal species to support preclinical research services. If you have any specific questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Animal Models
Ophthalmological DiseasesInfectious DiseasesRespiratory System DiseasesEndocrine System and Metabolic Diseases Urinary System DiseasesImmune System DiseasesNervous System DiseasesCirculatory System DiseasesDigestive System DiseasesIntegumentary System Diseases Motor Neuron DiseasesRare Cancers

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