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Pole Test

The pole test is a simple behavioral test. The motor coordination of the experimental animal is evaluated by recording the time it takes for the rodents to climb from the top to the bottom of the test pole.

Our company offers a wide range of classic tests for assessing motor coordination in animals, including pole test. We are committed to providing our clients with customized and efficient testing services to help them obtain scientifically reliable results in their animal locomotor ability assessment experiments.

Introduction of The Pole Test

The device for the pole test mainly consists of a vertical pole with a diameter of 1 cm and a length of about 50-60 cm. The bottom of the pole is mounted inside a cage filled with bedding material. During the test, the experimental animal is placed head up on the top of the pole and the animal rotates its body toward the ground and drops the bottom of the pole. This procedure assesses the ability of mice to grasp and maneuver down to the cage on the pole.

Scheme of the pole test.Fig. 1 Scheme of the pole test. (Brenner, 2015)

Experimental Flow

Place the animal on the top of the stylus so that its head is facing upward. Rotate the animal's head downward and allow it to descend to the floor. If the animal pauses during descent, the trial is rejected and another trial is performed. If the animal falls during descent, assign a maximum duration of 120 seconds to the turn and TD value.

Data Analysis

Our company focuses on providing scientific analysis of our clients' experimental results to provide valuable advice and assistance for your research. Our professionalism and flexibility help our clients save time and achieve satisfactory results. In the pole test, we record and analyze the following indicators to help you assess the motor coordination of the experimental animals.

  • The time to turn completely downward (T turn).
  • Total time to descend to the floor (T total).
  • Time required to reach the floor if the animal falls from the pole.
  • Number of trials in which the animal pauses during the descent.

Features of The Pole Test

  • Simple experimental device and direct and reliable results.
  • Assessing the long-term effects of stroke or ischemic stroke on motor function.
  • To examine the effect of different treatments such as medication or physical therapy on post-injury motor ability.

Our company offers professional one-stop services from experimental design to results analysis to bring breakthroughs to your research. We guarantee on-time delivery of test results. If you need, you can contact us at any time.


  1. Brenner, D. The role of the CD95 system in Parkinson's Disease. 2015.
For Research Use Only.