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Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a form of chronic pain that usually affects an arm or a leg. Equipped with cutting-edge technology platforms and a team of highly skilled research professionals, our company provides customized solutions and comprehensive support for the development of diagnostics and therapies specifically designed to target CRPS. Our company is dedicated to expediting your research endeavors by providing state-of-the-art tools and leveraging our expertise in the field.

Introduction to CRPS

CRPS covers the long-term pain and inflammation that can occur after an injury or medical event, such as surgery, trauma, stroke, or heart attack. Although CRPS can occur anywhere in the body, it primarily affects arms, legs, hands, or feet. CRPS is often triggered by trauma or damage to the affected limb or other body part. The overall incidence rate of CRPS is 15.83 cases per 100,000 people.

CRPS mainly includes two subtypes, CRPS-1 and CRPS-2. CRPS-1 occurs after illness or injury but is not associated with any specific nerve damage, whereas CRPS-2 is associated with specific nerve damage. Most cases of CRPS are CRPS-1. CRPS is a painful condition that can affect different body systems.

Fig.1 The immune response in acute and subacute CRPS.Fig.1 The immune response in acute and subacute CRPS. (Russo, et al., 2018)

Diagnostics Development of CRPS

Accurate diagnosis of CRPS is challenging, as there are no specific laboratory tests available. Currently, the diagnosis of CRPS is primarily based on an evaluation of the individual's medical history and symptoms. At the same time, various imaging techniques can provide supportive evidence for CRPS diagnosis. These may include bone scans, skin temperature measurements, blood flow assessments, x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or magnetic resonance neurography.

Therapeutics Development of CRPS

The therapeutics of CRPS typically adopts a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating various therapeutic modalities. While there are currently no approved drugs specifically targeting CRPS, ongoing research is focused on studying the underlying causes and potential drug targets for the condition. The aim is to develop specific medications that address the unique pathogenesis of CRPS and provide targeted relief for individuals with the condition.

  • Targets of CRPS Therapy Development

Neuroinflammation as a Target

Neuroinflammatory processes contribute to pain sensitization and symptom persistence in CRPS. Cytokines, chemokines, and immune cells play important roles in driving the neuroinflammatory response in CRPS individuals. By targeting and modulating these inflammatory mediators, it is possible to reduce pain and inflammation in CRPS.

Nerve Sensitization as a Target

Neural sensitization is another important target in the development of CRPS therapies. Changes in ion channel expression and function contribute to increased nerve sensitivity in CRPS. By identifying specific ion channels and modulators involved in CRPS neural sensitization, researchers aim to develop targeted therapies that can restore normal neuronal function and alleviate pain.

Our Services

  • CRPS Therapeutic Development Services: With a strong focus on accelerating the translation of research findings into commercial applications, we offer comprehensive CRPS diagnostics and therapy development services. Our experienced team is well-versed in developing various therapeutic modalities including small molecule drug, cell therapy, gene therapy, therapeutic antibody, therapeutic peptide, and therapeutic protein specifically for CRPS.
  • CRPS Animal Model Service: The study of CRPS through animal models plays a crucial role in uncovering the underlying mechanisms of the disease and identifying potential therapeutic targets. Our company specializes in providing CRPS animal model development services to support research and therapeutic advancements. We offer a range of animal models for CRPS, including but not limited to the following:
    • Chronic post-ischemic pain (CPIP) model
    • Tibial fracture/cast immobilization model
    • Passive transfer-trauma model
    • Needlestick-nerve-injury (NNI) model

No matter what research stage you are at, we can provide you with corresponding research services. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us for more details and quotation information for related services.


  • Russo, Marc, Peter Georgius, and Danielle M. Santarelli. "A new hypothesis for the pathophysiology of complex regional pain syndrome." Medical Hypotheses 119 (2018): 41-53.
  • Kessler, Allison, Min Yoo, and Randy Calisoff. "Complex regional pain syndrome: An updated comprehensive review." NeuroRehabilitation 47.3 (2020): 253-264.
  • Liu, Yu, et al. "Animal models of complex regional pain syndrome type I." Journal of Pain Research (2021): 3711-3721.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.

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