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Lung Cancer

Lung cancer, also known as lung carcinoma, is a complex and devastating disease that requires innovative approaches for effective therapy. Our company is a leading organization dedicated to developing drugs and therapies specifically tailored to combat rare lung cancer.

Introduction to Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is a malignancy that arises from the lung tissue, characterized by the unrestricted proliferation of aberrant cells and the subsequent development of tumors. It can be broadly categorized into two main types: non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC). NSCLC is the predominant form, accounting for approximately 80-85% of all lung cancer cases, whereas SCLC represents approximately 15% of cases.

  • Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC): SCLC, although less prevalent, is characterized by its high aggressiveness. It predominantly originates in the bronchi and exhibits rapid dissemination to various organs. SCLC is strongly correlated with tobacco smoking and typically necessitates the implementation of intensive therapy approaches.
  • Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): NSCLC is the prevailing form of lung cancer, encompassing various subtypes such as adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and large cell carcinoma. Each subtype possesses unique characteristics, necessitating customized treatment strategies for optimal management.
Fig.1 Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for subtyping non-small cell carcinoma.Fig.1 Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for subtyping non-small cell carcinoma. (Araujo, Luiz H., et al., 2020)

Diagnostics of Lung Cancer

Imaging Techniques

Computed tomography (CT) scans, Imaging modalities like chest X-rays, and positron emission tomography (PET) scans are frequently employed to visualize anomalies in the lungs and evaluate the extent of the disease. These techniques offer valuable insights into the location, size, and potential spread of lung abnormalities, aiding in the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer.


Biopsy entails the extraction of a tissue specimen from the lung or lymph nodes for microscopic analysis. Various biopsy techniques, such as bronchoscopy, needle biopsy, and surgical biopsy, may be employed based on the tumor's location and accessibility. These procedures enable healthcare professionals to obtain crucial diagnostic information and determine the nature and characteristics of the lung cancer.

Molecular Testing

Molecular testing is used to identify specific genetic mutations and alterations in lung cancer tumors. This information helps guide targeted therapy approaches. Genetic mutations, such as ALK, EGFR, BRAF, ROS1, and PD-L1 expression, are commonly tested for in lung cancer.

Targeted Therapies for Genetic Tumor Syndromes

Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR)

EGFR mutations are commonly found in NSCLC, particularly in non-smokers. Targeted therapies, such as EGFR inhibitors, have shown promising results in treating EGFR-mutated lung cancers.

Programmed Death-Ligand 1 (PD-L1)

PD-L1 is a protein expressed on the surface of cancer cells that helps them evade the immune system. Immune checkpoint inhibitors that target PD-L1 have revolutionized the field of lung cancer therapy, showing remarkable success.

Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK)

ALK gene rearrangements are present in a subset of NSCLC cases. ALK inhibitors have demonstrated significant efficacy in treating ALK-positive lung cancers.

RET Proto-Oncogene

RET gene fusions have been observed in a subset of NSCLC cases. Targeted therapies aimed at inhibiting RET signaling are being developed to address this specific molecular alteration.

Mesenchymal-Epithelial Transition Factor (MET)

MET gene alterations have been identified as potential therapeutic targets in lung cancer. Inhibition of MET signaling pathways is being explored as a therapy strategy.

Our Services

The development of effective lung cancer therapies requires a deep understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms and targets involved in the disease. Our company is at the forefront of identifying and exploring novel targets for lung cancer therapy development. For many years, we have been committed to the construction of rare disease diagnostics and therapy development platforms and can provide you with a one-stop solution for the development of rare lung cancer therapies.

Rare Types of Lung Cancers

Our Therapy Development Platforms

Our company specializes in developing relevant and reliable animal models that closely mimic human lung cancer, enabling accurate evaluation of therapeutic candidates. In addition, we recognize the importance of experimental animal species in the development of lung cancer therapies. By providing different animal species, we aim to meet different requirements for drug safety evaluation as well as pharmacokinetic analysis.

If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us for more details and quotation information of related services.


  • Araujo, Luiz H., et al. "Cancer of the lung: Non–small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer." Abeloff's clinical oncology. Elsevier, 2020. 1108-1158.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.

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