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Rolandic Epilepsy-Speech Dyspraxia Syndrome

Rolandic epilepsy-speech dyspraxia syndrome is a rare neurological disorder that affects a specific population, primarily children. With our pioneering efforts in Rolandic epilepsy-speech dyspraxia syndrome research, we are at the forefront of developing cutting-edge diagnostic tools and therapeutics to facilitate the effective management of Rolandic epilepsy-speech dyspraxia syndrome. As your reliable partner in Rolandic epilepsy-speech dyspraxia syndrome research, we offer unmatched support to fulfill your scientific research needs.

Introduction to Rolandic Epilepsy-Speech Dyspraxia Syndrome

Rolandic epilepsy-speech dyspraxia syndrome, also known as Landau-Kleffner syndrome (LKS), is a rare childhood condition that primarily impacts the development of language and triggers seizures. Children diagnosed with Rolandic epilepsy-speech dyspraxia syndrome generally encounter seizures that originate in the Rolandic area (also called the centrotemporal area) of the brain. These seizures typically occur during sleep and present as facial twitches, drooling, and speech difficulties.

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the CTS source distribution of ELP4 rs662702 in sufferers with different genotypes.Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the CTS source distribution of ELP4 rs662702 in sufferers with different genotypes. (Duan, et al., 2021)

The most prominent characteristic of Rolandic epilepsy-speech dyspraxia syndrome is a speech production disorder known as dyspraxia, which affects the coordination and execution of the necessary movements for speech. The incidence of the disease is extremely low. It is estimated that approximately 1 in 200,000 to 1 in 50,000 children are affected. Rolandic epilepsy-speech dyspraxia syndrome typically emerges between the ages of 3 and 7 years and is more common in males than females.

Pathogenesis of Rolandic Epilepsy-Speech Dyspraxia Syndrome

The underlying mechanisms of Rolandic epilepsy-speech dyspraxia syndrome are still being investigated. While the precise cause has not been fully elucidated, it is believed that genetic factors and autoimmune responses play significant roles.

Genetic Factors

The disease is associated with gene mutations involved in brain development and neuronal activity. It is likely inherited in an autosomal dominant manner and may be linked to the male sex chromosome. The gene ELP4 has been identified as relevant to the syndrome.

Autoimmune Responses

A prevailing hypothesis proposes that RESDS may be associated with an autoimmune response, where the immune system erroneously attacks certain brain proteins responsible for speech and movement control. The presence of autoantibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid and blood of affected individuals supports this hypothesis.

Diagnostics Development of Rolandic Epilepsy-Speech Dyspraxia Syndrome

Accurate and timely diagnosis is critical for appropriate management and intervention of the disease. Rolandic epilepsy-speech dyspraxia syndrome diagnostic process usually involves a thorough evaluation. Common diagnostic methods are as follows:

  • Electroencephalogram (EEG)
  • High-resolution brain imaging
  • Genetic testing
  • Speech and language assessments

Therapeutics Development of Rolandic Epilepsy-Speech Dyspraxia Syndrome

  • Targets of Rolandic Epilepsy-Speech Dyspraxia Syndrome Therapy Development
Target Description
Epileptic Seizure Control Pathways Reducing epileptic seizures is a crucial therapeutic approach in managing this condition. Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) play a significant role by regulating neuronal excitability and stabilizing abnormal electrical activity in the brain. The efficacy of various AEDs, such as carbamazepine, clobazam, and valproic acid, has been investigated in the therapeutics of Rolandic epilepsy-speech dyspraxia syndrome.
Immune Regulatory Pathways In certain cases, the disease may involve an autoimmune component. Immunomodulatory therapies like corticosteroids or immunoglobulin infusions are used to regulate the immune response and decrease brain inflammation. These therapeutics aim to enhance seizure management and speech function by targeting the underlying autoimmune process.
  • Therapeutic Drugs for Rolandic Epilepsy-Speech Dyspraxia Syndrome

Sodium Channel Blockers
For example, carbamazepine and phenytoin are effective in controlling epileptic seizures by modulating abnormal electrical activity in the Rolandic area.

GABA Agonists
For example, clobazam and clonazepam enhance GABA signaling, resulting in decreased neuronal excitability and reduced seizure activity.

Valproic Acid
Valproic acid has been found to be effective in reducing seizure frequency and improving speech impairment in affected individuals.

Our Services

Drawing upon our deep expertise in biotechnology and extensive experience in the industry, our company offers all-encompassing solutions for diagnostic and therapeutic research dedicated to Rolandic epilepsy-speech dyspraxia syndrome.

Chemical Induction Models
At our company, researchers have utilized compounds such as pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) to induce seizures in animal models. PTZ administration in rodents can elicit seizure activity similar to Rolandic epilepsy seizures observed in humans. We also employ drugs that affect the neurotransmitter system, such as GABA and glutamate receptors, to induce the development of animal models for studying the effects of neurotransmission alterations on speech-related behaviors.
Transgenic Models
Using advanced gene manipulation technology, our company has successfully generated a transgenic animal model of Rolandic epilepsy-speech dyspraxia syndrome. These models provide researchers with a valuable tool to investigate the impact of genetic mutations on brain development, neuronal functioning, and language-related behaviors.
Optional Models
  • Elp4 Model
  • SRPX2 Model
  • Kv4.2 Model
  • SLC12A5 Model
  • CELF4 Model
Optional Species Mice, Rats, Zebrafish, Others

No matter what stage of research you are at, we can provide you with corresponding research services. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us for more details and quotation information for related services.


  • Duan, Yiran, et al. "The correlation of ELP4-PAX6 with rolandic spike sources in idiopathic rolandic epilepsy syndromes." Frontiers in Neurology 12 (2021): 643964.
  • Xiong, Weixi, and Dong Zhou. "Progress in unraveling the genetic etiology of rolandic epilepsy." Seizure 47 (2017): 99-104.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.

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