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PROseq 24-Index TCR UDI (24)

The panels include enzymes, buffers, TCR-alpha, TCR-beta, TCR-gamma, and TCR-delta.

Cat. No. Product Name Products Type Tests Datasheet Price
NRTCS-2312-HMS-2 PROseq Targeted RNA Panel Human TCR 12/96 Datasheet INQUIRY
NRTCS-2312-HMS-3 PROseq 24-Index TCR UDI (24) 12/96 Datasheet INQUIRY


The technology of Unique Molecular Indexing (UMI) enhances accuracy by eliminating amplification, duplication and sequencing artifacts.
Profiling single TCR receptors such as TCR-alpha, TCR-beta, TCR-gamma, TCR-delta, or merging panels leads to a thorough immune repertoire.
The construction of single-tube library and flexible panels enable the study of one to four receptors all at once.
Unique Dual Indexing (UDI) drastically reduces the misassignment of sample index.
Included in this is the access to GeneGlobe Analyze for data interpretation, including read alignment and clonotype report.

Product Details

The PROseq Targeted RNAseq Panel for T-cell receptors permits detailed next-generation sequencing of the human or mouse T-cell receptor, this includes TCR-alpha, TCR-beta, TCR-gamma, and TCR-delta genes. The effective solution uses unique molecular indices to allow for precise and highly sensitive analysis of the immune repertoire in cells and tissues, with an RNA range of 200 pg to 1000 ng.
T and B lymphocytes, components of the adaptive immune system, have T-cell receptors (TCRs) and B-cell receptors (BCRs) that bind to antigens. The recognition of countless potential antigens requires extensive TCR and BCR sequence variability, achieved by somatic V(D)J recombination of these loci and the subsequent somatic hypermutation and class switch recombination of BCR upon antigen stimulation. It is vital to characterize TCR and BCR repertoires accurately to comprehend adaptive immune responses, this has numerous applications in fields such as vaccine development, autoimmune disease, lymphoid malignancy treatments, and immunotherapy.
In contrast to traditional methods, NGS affords a comprehensive, high-resolution view of the immune repertoire. However, many immune repertoire sequencing techniques use multiplex PCR with primers targeting V or J regions, leading to considerable amplification bias. The PROseq Targeted RNAseq Panel for T-cell Receptor, by using unique molecular indices and PROseq Enrichment Technology, effectively creates targeted RNA-seq libraries for NGS tools. This method improves amplification uniformity relative to multiplexed PCR-based V and J primer pools. The incorporation of UMIs before amplification further mitigates amplification bias, allowing for precise and sensitive evaluation of TCR clones and repertoire diversity.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.

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