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PROseq Targeted DNA Booster Panel

A pool of primers is utilized in conjunction with either catalogued or custom panels.


Molecular barcodes allow digital sequencing to eliminate PCR duplicates. The comprehensive Sample to Insight solution simplifies the workflow. The ability to work with low-quality DNA makes sequencing FFPE and cfDNA samples more efficient. A minimal amount of DNA is required, thereby preserving valuable samples. Buffers and conditions have been optimized to ensure high coverage of regions rich in GC. Improve the effectiveness of certain primers or expand the content of a customized panel.

Product Details

The PROseq Targeted DNA Panels, a complete insight solution for DNA sequencing, have been designed to enable the digital sequencing of DNA using molecular barcodes. This technology allows the detection of low-frequency variants with high confidence, overcoming issues like PCR duplicates, false positives, and library bias. Each panel comes as an all-included solution compatible with any NGS platform, comprising all components needed to build libraries from enriched genomic targets. The strategy is based on a single primer extension comprising one target-specific primer and one universal one, eliminating conventional two target-specific primer design restriction while reducing primer quantities. Each panel's required primers are pooled into an individual primer pool for easier handling and reducing the number of pools needed. The solution also includes platform-specific indexes that allow for up to 384 samples to be sequenced per run. The PROseq targeted DNA panels utilize a unique buffer and enzyme system optimized for high coverage of GC-rich genomic regions. The booster panel can amplify the performance of certain primers or extend the content of existing custom panels with a primer pool deliverable as a single spike into the existing panel. 


The PROseq Targeted DNA Booster Panels are versatile, able to detect various DNA variants such as SNVs, small indels, and CNVs from a myriad of sample types like FFPE, Plasma/serum, fresh or frozen tissue, and cell lines. Their potential uses are vast, spanning from profiling DNA variants in both solid and hematologic malignancies, to hotspot detection in solid tumors, to examining variants in mitochondrial DNA. They are also used in Pain and ADME Pharmacogenomics, human identity and paternity testing, the assessment of germline mutations for inherited diseases and profiling all exonic bases in BRCA 1 and BRCA2.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.

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