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ACTA2 Polyclonal Antibody, Unconjugated

Product Name: ACTA2 Polyclonal Antibody, Unconjugated
CAT#: DBBDRA-2402-LGZ-1528


ACTA2 pAB, Unconjugated, WB/IHC/ELISA is used in your research and development of rare disease diagnostics, and it is also used in other areas of rare disease therapeutics, including cancer, cardiovascular, developmental biology, signal transduction, stem cells.

Basic Information

Synonyms: a actin, AAT6, ACTA, ACTA2, Actin alpha 2 smooth muscle aorta, Actin aortic smooth muscle, Actin, aortic smooth muscle, ACTSA, ACTVS, Alpha 2 actin, Alpha actin 2, Alpha cardiac actin, alpha sma, Alpha-actin-2, Cell growth inhibiting gene 46 protein, Cell growth-inhibiting gene 46 protein, GIG46, Growth inhibiting gene 46, MYMY5
Application: WB/IHC/ELISA
Label/Conjugates: Unconjugated
Crossreactivity: Human, Mouse, Rat
Source/Host: Rabbit
Uniprot: P62736
Accession: NP_001135417
Buffer: 50% glycerol, PBS with 0.05% sodium azide, PH7.4
Concentration: 0.4 mg/mL
Isotype: IgG
Purification: Affinity purification

Immunogen Properties

Abbre: ACTA2
Calculated MW: 42 kDa
Clonality: Polyclonal
Immunogen: Synthetic peptide derived from human ACTA2

Shipping and Handling

Stability & Storage: Store the sample at a temperature of -20°C and avoid subjecting it to repeated freeze/thaw cycles.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.

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